Swipe Color Block

by Chien Hsun Chen



To swipe the color block to set same color together in a line …

To swipe the color blocks to set same color together in a line as many blocks as possible … Usage:* To swipe the color block to set same color together in a line. While there are more than 3 same color blocks in a line, these blocks are eliminated and you get scores.* You can swipe the blocks one grid and you can swipe more than one block together at the same time. It needs some scores as cost for each swipe.* More same color blocks in a line get higher score.* You can set same color blocks horizontally and vertically at the same time.* You can set multi same color blocks in a line at the same time.* While the remaining blocks are less than 3 for each color, it shows “Done” by Chinese. Player can use the “RESTART” button to get new block arrangement for next play.* Basic Mode: Player should have good logical consideration. Take the swipe time as less as possible, and try to eliminate blocks as more as possible at the same time in order to get higher score. To swipe many blocks at the same time, it is counted as one swipe.* Advance Mode: Take the switch button on the left-top side to switch to advance mode. New block arrangement is generated, and then it shows the color information for every block couple seconds. Then all colors will be set to same color. Player must remembers all the color and arrangement by couple seconds in order to complete the whole elimination of blocks. This mode proves the players logical ability and memory ability.* Expert Mode: In order to prove players memory ability aggressively, this mode disables all block information, color and position, after that couple seconds.Now, please try it and know how many scores you can get …Do you know the theoretical highest score of this kind of problem? I am appreciate if you share with me your thought. And it would be great that you can share with me about your highest score.0.2.1Improve fluency.0.2Add 7 x 7 matrix.0.1.1Add basic mode, advance mode and expert mode.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

even though this game is hard to figure, it is HIGHLY interesting, and has a lot of weird options... i can already tell that i will be playing this game for as long as i can

kim fountain

Smooth gameplay. Good for a quick game. ☺

A Google user